"Sexual Adventurer in Pursuit of Nonmonogamy"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Half-Nekkid Holding pattern

I am feeling un-inclined to post right now. Sorry for the absence. I am in a strangely reflective mood. End of an era, start of a new phase etc. etc. Lots of self reflection going on.

I am catching up on my reading of other blogs though and am discovering some new ones.


Sorry, I am just at a lack for words. So, to encourage some creativity I decided to join in on the 5th anniversary of Half-Nekkid Thursday. This is my inaugural shot of the extra sun I got over the weekend, sorry for the quality. The juices will flow soon, I promise.


  1. Welcome to HNT! Hope you have some fun with it. It certainly looks like you've got the basic idea down!

  2. Reflection is a good thing, as long as it's not the debilitating kind that keeps you from going forward with your life...(been there, done that!)

    Lovely HNT photo!

    My earliest posts were more narrative and less illustrative; not telling all in the beginning may have been smarter, lol!

    Looking forward to both from you...

  3. you sound so down. hope things brighten up soon. you have such a cute little heart shaped tush! thanks for sharing. ;-)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Osbasso: I am excited to have joined in what seems to be a lot of fun! Looking forward to more.

    Inherservice: Thanks for the thoughts and kind words. I tend to be a talker, so stay tuned.

    Frances: I gave up my "Daniel" hence the sadness. Combined with the divorce proceedings that are nearing an end in about 2 weeks, I have been melancholy. Thanks for stopping by. I am waiting for your reinactment with baited breath!
