"Sexual Adventurer in Pursuit of Nonmonogamy"

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lesson for the day

Instead of a song I am linking to one of my favorite photos on Alexa's page.

If you're going to try anal using your hand, there are certain positions that work better for this as I found out two nights ago. I couldn't sleep so I thought, well I'll jill off and maybe that will work.
1 hour later, still awake, try again.
It's like 1:30 am now, still awake.
(Ok lets go all out, Wrong Number Dave was talking about licking my ass, etc, we'll see where that takes us.)

So I needed to go the bathroom, so I decided to just stay in there and try, so I could rinse off (always practical this one).
Leaned over with shoulders on counter, right hand to clit, left hand under to ass. Well. That feels good. Especially when I am thinking about him licking my ass. Mmmm.
(Let's lay down, I tend to lose control of my legs if I get going too far along.)
Lay down on my back.
Right hand to clit, left hand to ass, same as before.
Well, that's just awkward now. And I can't get in as far. Hmmmm
(Maybe if I reach around from behind...)

Mmmmmm, that's MUCH better!
Well, that position allows for some really good bucking, which is how I eventually came, 2 fingers in ass. Thinking about him fucking my ass in front of the windows in his 12th story office in SF.
So, depending on the position, access to the ass is easier in different ways.

The End.

I did a good amount of porn tonight. Most of it good, oddly. I had 2 rounds of enjoying myself and actually used both hands tonight which I very rarely do. That was really good, esp while I watched this for round one.
This was round 2.
My fingers are coated in my dried pussy juices now.
Mmmmm, it's salty.

Nite nite.


  1. Wednesday night before bed I didn't see this posted. I woke up at about 4am and couldn't fall back asleep. So, I got online thinking I'd look for something to jack off to and maybe put myself back to sleep... And I find this post about the exact same situation...lol.
    So I hope you don't mind, but I kinda hijacked you and your fantasies and adapted them to my own liking... quite successfully, I might add... And then I went back to sleep. : )

    Nite Nite, indeed.

  2. thanks for the guidelines. i would.
