"Sexual Adventurer in Pursuit of Nonmonogamy"

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I run to you

I've had this song on my mind awhile. It's a great song.

Well I have cheered up markedly in the last week which is great. Last weekend was Labor Day and I spent it all with D. We drove up a local mountain to get some heat relief and found a lovely little camp site to hang out at for awhile. We'd brought some fruit and wine and cheese and crackers and smore's makin's. It had been a LOOOONG time since either of us had smores. YUM!! Can't recommend it enough. I had mentioned earlier in the day that there were vegetarian marshmallows and he relayed later that he went to 4 (yes FOUR) different grocery stores looking for them. Apparently the guy at the last one asked how many stores, to which D replied 4 and the guy said, "wow, you must really like her." (insert goofy grin here)
: )

We hung there for awhile, enjoyed some wine, which lead to some nekkid time, which was fun and risky with people clearly in eye sight of where we were. That of course added to the excitement. Watched some stars when we were done. Had a long conversation about our open relationship. We're both still comfortable with it, which is great. Headed down the hill a few hours later to go home. Enjoyed some more of each other which completely exhausted us and we crashed. Woke up, enjoyed an entire day of hanging at the house watching movies. Crazy Heart (eh), Gamer (bad, he actually fell asleep), some porn (lead to some nice action) and finally Backup Plan (better than expected actually). Made corn bread pot pie in the crock pot so it was ready for dinner, YUM. More smores, then more enjoying, then bed.

Woke up Monday, back to my house for supplies, hung out at his neighbor's pool awhile, eventually went to meet his parents where we had dessert. I had met them briefly once before at a jewelry party so it wasn't awkward. And in fact it was nice. They are very proper people, he's ex military and she's a true southern lady. It's all very different than how I grew up. But a nice change. Then we did the local run in the evening and headed back to his place again. It was all very "mundane" and "normal." And nice. Comfortable. Effortless. Somewhere in there I became his babygirl. He mentioned it in a txt at one point later and I said I really liked it. He said, "that's what I think when you're tucked into my arms and I am kissing you good night."

Insert next goofy grin here : )

I was IMing with C from my online dating site last week and he let me know that he's finally ready to meet me. I was super excited but bummed that I had made myself unavailable all weekend with plans with D. But, it's the next week, and guess what, C still hasn't set plans to meet me. Ah well. Certainly not going to push that one.

And Friday it was like old flames day or something, I had 2 people who had been in touch with me previously that I hadn't heard from since my KC trip get in touch with me. One asked if I needed someone to take pics for my blog, no strings attached. I politely declined (he turned out to be kind of a jerk and I wasn't interested in getting back into that drama) and he then proceeded to tell me he was engaged. Sheesh, good thing I'd said no. CERTAINLY don't need that drama. And the other guy was ALL about meeting me ASAP!! Made tentative plans for lunch today. Txt'd him this morning. No response. Again, ah well.

Roomie is going out of town this weekend and D and I are headed to the football game. Should be lots of fun, and he'll come here after, which will be a nice change from packing up 2-4 bags to head to his house every weekend. He'll be meeting my mom and her partner Sunday. He said he was flattered I asked. I think they will like him.

AND, CP will be joining me here on Monday for the day, since I have a forced vacation day. He's the one night stand guy I've mentioned previously. We'll see how that day goes. He is like a big kid. 39 going on 22. I am apparently the oldest person he's dated. He's the youngest person I've dated and it's obvious. He calls me things like dork and goof. Things D thinks are disrespectful and would never dream of saying to me. A good juxtaposition. Not sure how I'll lay that one out to D.

But (I know, don't call you a but), here's my HNT from the mountain. D took it while I was admiring the beautiful fire. Be sure to check out Os to see who else is playing.


  1. Love the song! Just learned it for last week's wedding gig!

    Sounds like you've had a great week. And meeting the parents? Keep the goofy grins going!
